Babes Balogun Akinlemi

Babes Balogun Akinlemi


As I look back over my life and I think things all over, I can truly say that I’ve been blessed!!!

Just like almost every newlywed would wish and pray to conceive after their wedding, I got pregnant after two months. The pregnancy started beautifully without issues at all. Five months into the pregnancy, I got back from work and started having waist pain which I felt was normal with pregnancies. As the night drew near, the pain became unbearable. It later subsided so I went to bed; before I could say, Jack Robinson, I was already bleeding and in excruciating pain. It became unbearable, we had to rush to the hospital at 4 am. The Doctor on duty gave me an injection to subside the pain as there was nothing he could do that early. Around 8 am the radiographer resumed and I got a scan to know the situation of things. The scan result showed that the baby was already 2cm out and there was nothing they could do other than allow the baby to come out. I sang all the songs I knew that day; prayed all the prayers in my mouth… lol! But at exactly 2 pm, the baby boy came out and the placenta refused to come out. I was given drips and injections to make the placenta give way but it still didn’t come out until 10 hours later when a Consultant had to use her hands to bring it out. Meanwhile, I was bleeding all the while but my God never sleeps or slumbers. Two weeks later, I started feeling pains and couldn’t walk properly. A scan was done and particles of placenta were found still inside of me. The only way out was an evacuation which was done and I became well again.

A few months later, I took in again and we were filled with joy. Two months plus into the pregnancy, we were advised that a Cervical cerclage should be done and that I remain in the hospital on bed rest for a close watch. I spent almost 3 months in the hospital. On that fateful day, also five months into the pregnancy, and right on the hospital bed, my water broke. It felt like a dream. I couldn’t even react because I was lost. I was taken out for the cerclage to be removed. The baby boy came out and the placenta also came out 10 to 15 minutes later.

I became pregnant again some months later for the third time. The cerclage was also placed but this time around, I refused to stay in the hospital. Everything was going on fine without complaints at all. Again at 5 months into the pregnancy, I went to the hospital for a checkup, and right there I noticed a bloodstain on my pant when I went to pee. I alerted the Doctor and I was told to be calm that it could be nothing but I won’t be allowed to go home until the next day. Some hours later I started bleeding for real. My pad, my dress and the whole bed was soaked in blood. The bleeding was so much that the cerclage had to be removed. As the Doctors were removing the cerclage the baby girl and placenta came out. It was such a PAINFUL experience, I went completely numb and lost. It took me a long time to recover. Walahi, this particular experience was the worst (December 14, 2017). It affected my thinking and I became so scared of getting pregnant. My husband and I decided to take a break of one year. We said the whole of 2018 was our enjoyment year… ‘no trying to get pregnant’ year…lol. But God our FATHER had better plans for us.

In February 2018, I met my friend Doctor Ada and narrated my ordeal to her. She invited me to her church (The Giftens Church) where her husband was also the Head Pastor of the Church. I’m usually very sceptical about some churches and men of God but I was very convinced in my spirit to go because all I needed was God’s intervention seeing all we knew medically had been done and failed. To cut the long story short, I went, saw God in Spirit and Truth. I was taught how to use the word of God as my battleaxe, to exercise extreme FAITH and get rid of fear. God showed up for me. He is indeed a faithful God and He never fails. I also joined “When Women Pray” Festac Zone to intensify my prayer life.

On the 6th of March 2019, my miracle rainbow baby arrived after 3 miscarriages and 2 failed Cervical Cerclages (2 Boys and a Girl). We named her Zinachimbuchi (Show that my God is God) and Michelle (who is like God).

I want to encourage every family waiting and trusting God for one thing or the other never to underestimate God because there’s power in the word of God. I’m not ruling out or saying that medicine has no result but all I want you to know is that God is All-Powerful. Be rest assured that God will surely come through for you. He is never late. He’s too faithful to fail. His word is Yes and Amen!! His thoughts for you are good and not evil. KEEP THE FAITH HIGH.


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