Father I am grateful for the grace to finish strong and to start strong, Thank you for past victories, for deliverances, for breakthroughs, and for opportunities that I have encountered. They testify of the fact that you are constantly mindful of me and making all things work together for my good.
I agree in faith with you concerning all that you have spoken, written, and prophesied about me. I come into its fulfillment in Jesus’ name. My life is in agreement with my script, That which is contained in the volume of books, That which has been settled before the foundation of the world, That which gave birth to my very existence. That very essence of my life is to do your will.
My life is in total submission to the fathering, training, and discipline of you lord. I declare that I serve no other but you. I submit my ambitions, my passions, my decisions, my achievements, my knowledge, my experience at your feet and I take on the leading of your spirit, the efficacy of your grace, the strength of your wisdom, the enablement of your joy, the comfort of your peace and the transformative power of your love. I choose to constantly be clothed with your presence, overshadowed by your power, and grounded in your prosperity.
I run with endurance the race set before me, encouraged by my many witnesses, cheering me on as I constantly keep my gaze on Jesus, the author, and finisher of my faith. I hold on to every word spoken over my life in faith that surely there shall be a fulfillment so therefore I declare boldly ‘ Be it unto me according to your word!’
I do not despise the chastening of my father because I am NOT an illegitimate son. I endure the training of the father as it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness in me. I die to self-daily, so that Christ may be made manifest in me in His full glory. I resist the devil, remain steadfast in faith knowing that the God of all grace will perfect, establish, settle and strengthen me.
In Jesus’ name, my hands are strengthened, my legs are made strong even as I journey towards my calling. I set my face like a flint, not shaken and not moved. I pursue peace with all men strengthened in the bond of holiness, I refuse every root of bitterness in me, every tendency of becoming a lover of self rather than a lover of God, I am repulsive to every form of greed, and idle engagement. I am mindful of my assignment and as a responsible steward of God’s investment and resources in me, I channel my pursuit in the direction of purpose. I refuse companies that corrupt the seed of God in me, associations that keep me below the mark, engagements that keep me entangled with the yoke of the devil. I remain steadfast in my ordination, constantly resisting the devil and all his temptations.
I shake off every complacency, in Jesus name I commit to radical purity, honesty and uprightness, I am a part of an army, each of us marching in formation, we do not break our ranks. We do not push one another. The spirit of God is poured on us from on high and every wilderness becomes a fruitful field and every fruitful field becomes a forest.
My head does NOT lack oil, my lamp is constantly refreshed and refilled. I fan to flame again my commitment to God and through the help of the Holy Spirit, I remain aglow! Bursting forth on all sides, rejuvenated and filled with spiritual vigor. I am a firebrand in the hand of God setting others aflame with His glory. Hallelujah.
2022, I rise in full knowledge of the times and season, I rise a responsible son over my father’s estate, I rise in authority and power, I rise over and above every limitation and deception of the enemy. I rise, a BABES Redefined.
BABES REDEFINED rises in power and a full demonstration of it, taking her position in God’s great plan in the lives of women and girls across the globe. She was born for such a time as this! Full of glory and grace. Amen and Amen!