In Jesus name I come into this season by the power of the Holy Spirit, to do that which is written concerning me in the volume of books. I receive enabling power and grace to my assignment and all that has been prophesied and declared concerning me. I am endowed with supernatural power to be a depository and a witness to the mighty working power of God made manifest in all creation, showing forth the wonders and manifold wisdom of God. I am not a spectator in this grand plan, I am an active participator in my generation and within my sphere of influence.
In Jesus name I am born of the Spirit, I am like a wind, I move with strength and vigor. I am like an eagle, I ride on the wings of the Spirit carried by an invisible force, soaring over every limitation and barriers. The Holy Spirit is the is my enabler! Through Him I do the impossible, I accomplish the unexpected and I attain the unimaginable. I remain a wonder to all.
This season I carry on the dominion mandate, executing the dominion and rulership of Christ with the rod of iron. I give executive and social expression to every spiritual endowment in me. I am on purpose, pushing barriers, extending the frontiers of the kingdom, and spreading the fragrance of Christ as I take territories.
I rejoice over your word concerning me as one who has found great treasure. I celebrate its fulfilment because in you all things are yes and amen. This word delivers to me an inheritance among those who are sanctified. The dominion Mandate finds full expression through me bringing about agitations and disruptions in the Spirit that lands me at the center of His will for me. As I have been commanded, I am fruitful, I multiply, I fill and occupy, I subdue territories and I exercise dominion in boundless measures, my possibilities are limitless.
The dominion mandate brings me before kings and queens. As I align myself with it, my influence spreads across borders. By my authority in Christ I come into unprecedented favors, doors and gates begin to open for me for I come in the name of the king of glory the lord mighty and strong in battle.
I have access into what eyes have not seen and what ears have not heard. I ascend into deeper dimensions in God. I gain insight into divine, superior intelligence, delivering to me strategies and solutions that my word needs. I constantly walk in this reality as a solution provider, a custodian of the intentions of God for my generation. I therefore wage a good warfare, fighting the good fight of faith laying hold of everything eternal, gaining mastering over earthy things!
In Jesus name the dominion mandate conditions my life. I live a consecrated life, shaking off everything contrary to the will of God. My life is constantly pleasing to God bringing him glory and honor. I am God’s finest glory on display! My life mirrors the totality of all the Christ represents in this life and the life to come.
BABES REDEFINED steps into her season of DOMINION. She has been prepared and equipped for that which has been prepared for her. She grows in wisdom and stature; she is highly favored and everyone who interacts with her calls her blessed. Her righteousness shines brightly like the sun in its full strength, we cannot be hidden nor covered. She gives justice in righteousness and brings peace, leaving her presence, impact, and footprints everywhere she goes. BR is clothed with strength and honor so therefore she assumes the status of the voice of the voiceless, the hope of the hopeless. She breaks into piece the oppressor and showers like rain upon the earth.
We rise as an army of the Lord, taking our formation and positioning ourselves for take over. We are formidable, fearless, and full of fervor, a firebrand in the Hand of our king. we have dominion from sea to sea. Spreading our tentacles, taking desolate heights for God. We are an army on an assignment, driven and overshadowed by the desire to see His kingdom established just as it is on earth. BR comes into her season of open doors for financial prosperity, for meaningful and purpose driven partnerships. We are light to those in darkness and joy to those who mourn. Nations shall come to our rising and our name endures forever through times and seasons.
Blessed be the Lord God, the God of BABES REDEFINED! Who does wondrous things. And may the whole earth be filled with the glory of God. Amen
I move in the direction of advancement, prosperity, promotion, multiplication, wholeness, and Dominion! I execute The DOMINION MANDATE!