Confessions for 2020 – The year I advance in God’s predetermined counsel and agenda
Confessions for 2020 – The year I advance in God’s predetermined counsel and agenda

The year I advance in God’s predetermined counsel and agenda. This is the year I dine with kings and queens, the year I move from the outer court to the holy of holies. The year I interact with the finished works of Christ and the promises of God in its totality and it becomes evident in my life. This is the year impossibilities are made possible. The year I launch into the deep for a great catch at the leading of the HolySpirit! the year the secrets of God are revealed to me. The year I grow into maturity. The year I have access into dimensions in God which no eyes have seen, ears have heard nor any heart been able to conceive or comprehend.
In this year 2020, I come up higher. We begin to operate from the elevated status, where God has placed me; I am seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above principalities and powers, throne and dominion. I reign as a queen, a priest and royalty, making and giving decrees with regards to God’s accurate plan within my sphere of influence. I am a city and territory taker because I have been given the keys to the kingdom.
In 2020, I operate from a position of authority, I am not the weak trying to be strong, I am the strong strengthening my position and ordination. I know and have a clear understanding of who I am and whose I am! The DNA of God runs through me! I am God’s and I am a god! Created in His image and likeness. I have divine access into the secrets of God, this gives me an edge and distinguishes me in all my endeavors.
In this year 2020, I operate with higher intelligence; the Holy Spirit is revealed afresh to me. I am the Joseph’s of my days, I am a problem solver, I am a solution provider, I am a great wealth and resource administrator. I am prepared for that which is coming to me to manage, for through the Lord I can run through a troop and leap over a wall.
I understand kingdom dynamics. Through the Holyspirit, I operate divine strategies. Strategies that deliver to me the blueprint to thrive despite all odds and to come into purpose. I am not held back by sentiments and emotional blackmail, we leap high above the elementary dictates of this world, the cravings of men, the time-wasting tactics of the enemy, the fruitless efforts to repay evil for evil. Rather I dive deep into the purposes of God for my life, engaged in mind and soul-nourishing conversations that edify and build up. I am consumed by love and choose to take the higher way. I let love dwell in my heart richly till it overflows and causes transformation within my heart and everything and everyone around me. I am a woman with a difference, a woman on assignment, a woman on purpose, a woman with a mandate. I take seriously the dealings of God upon my life and bear fruits of righteousness in due season.
I am incorrigible! Beautiful in and out, I do not conform to the status quo, I am a non-conformist, a part of a new breed with a heavenly mandate. I respond to my marching orders! Orders to take over. I am supernaturally ignited for greater works, empowered to do much more and graced to love right! And to love hard!
In this year 2020 through the help of the Holyspirit, I assume the status of a Daniel. I understand the times and seasons. I am not slack concerning Gods agenda concerning my assignment. I am armed with the right knowledge, right thinking and right execution power to refute the enemy and stop him at the gates.
I arm myself with the understanding that flows from the heart that I was born more than a conqueror, I have it in me to stop the mouths of lions and decode the intentions of kings according to the will of God. I press in strongly in the place of prayer, I declare I am a warrior on heels. I pray and I slay. I slay with love, oneness and singularity of purpose. I am a part of a formidable team. Through divine intelligence, we refuse to bow to the standards and dictates of this world, rather through the wisdom of God I am ten times better! I shine and I glow! I cannot but be acknowledged whenever and wherever I show up.
My motivation is propelled by a force larger than life itself. Through divine intelligence I move into deep things in God, I operate from a position of advantage because of HolySpirit inspired revelations and as a result, I speak with authority at the gates.
In this year 2020, in God, I live, move and have my being!
I am overshadowed by the power of the Most High therefore I give birth to ideas, inventions, solutions that will be Christ grade! Like Mary, I yield my will to His will and we declare ‘Be it unto me according to your will”. I am a custodian of God’s precious promises and prophecies. I labor to birth Gods divine agenda in every field of endeavor that I have been sent to.
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In this year 2020, I have access into Gods calendar and I am divinely positioned. My positioning creates pathways in the spirit, routes not known to man, and I begin to communicate these things in languages that can be heard and understood by those I am sent to.
I remain resolute and I stay focus, championing only the cause of the one who elected me. I serve the will of God in my generation and I exalt his name above all other names.
In this year 2020, we come up higher into Gods purposes and divine agenda for me! Amen.
After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.”
Revelation 4:1 NKJV