Confessions for 2018 – MY SEASON OF PERFECTED PRAISE
Confessions for 2018 – MY SEASON OF PERFECTED PRAISE

Blessed be God Almighty who has blessed me with ALL spiritual blessing in heavenly places! My life is complete and perfect in Christ Jesus. I through out the year 2018 daily enjoy the riches that comes with the knowledge of my saviour. Thank you, father, for going ahead of me into 2018 and perfecting all that concerns me and making all things ready! I come into my God-ordained season of perfect praise by faith in Jesus name. Amen
I decree and declare that my love for Christ is perfected therefore I have no fear of anything for my faith is sealed in His love which is shared abroad and deeply in my heart. I am perfectly rooted in Christ and bear my fruits upward. My fruits provide healing to every sphere of my influence. Through the love of Christ, I come into perfect alignment with God and I find fulfilment. His love compels me to DO right, ACT right, THINK right, SPEAK right, GIVE right, TALK right, REASON right and REJOICE right.
In the name of Jesus, my perfected praise brings me into the REST of God. I am seated with Christ, operating from the heavenly realm, from a position of authority and dominion! I take charge over my territory and reign as a king and a priest as I have been commanded in Jesus name! My 2018 is defined by REST so therefore I cease from my labour and my works. I refuse to worry or be anxious for God by His wisdom is making ALL things concerning me and mine work together for our good. I daily choose life and peace and as a result function from that secret place in God, right under His shadow!
I am on purpose, breaking barriers, pushing boundaries and breaking new grounds and as a result coming into God-ordained territories in Christ. By the Spirit I understand the dealings and workings of God over my life, I am not confused, discouraged or disconnected. I allow God work His perfect will in my life, he leads and I follow.
The Lord awakens me every morning of 2018 with a song of worship, victory and thanksgiving, my heart always indicting a good matter and by faith commanding my day! I sow seeds of faith by my words, thought and actions. These seeds are germinating and growing, they produce fruit unto righteousness and position me to accurately play out the blueprint of my 2018 as God scripted it. My ears hear what ears have not heard before, my eyes begin to see what eyes have not seen and it comes into my heart what no man has conceived before, and by these revelations, I take unprecedented steps of faith and break into new territories becoming a solution provider on the earth and a valuable asset in His kingdom as God continues to expand my resource base. I am secured in God’s plans and purpose for me for I am created unto good works.
By the help of the Holy Spirit, I receive the counsel of God and this becomes my driving force. As the executor of God’s will He supports me on my journey of faith and empowers me to do as the Lord wills. I am a terror to the kingdom of the enemy as I daily advance in the things pertaining to the kingdom of my father, righteousness, peace, love and joy in the Holy Ghost!
2018 my season of perfect praise!
This year my praise will make a way for me, especially where people have said there is no way!
This year my rejoicing will bring me into God’s divine will and counsel.
This year my worship opens me to a place in God where ALL my needs are met as I daily delight myself in abundance.
BABES Redefined experiences a shift! The vision gains a quantum leap in the spirit and she begins by the Holy Spirit to reveal the multi-faceted sides of God through all her spheres of influence! This year 2018 Kings and queens will come to her rising as a sign of God’s graciousness and favour! BR experiences EASE in all her endeavours’ as everyone in leadership is equipped to do greater exploits! They all receive a fresh baptism of grace to do the fathers business. In the year 2018, we declare that the ships are coming and our coast is enlarged in Jesus name! We make bold to say that we are the planting of the lord and because we delight in His word and to do His will, we are planted by the rivers of water. We bring forth our fruit in its season, our leaves will never wither and WHATEVER WE DO WE PROSPER!
Every day of 2018 my life is a THRILL!!!
Amen and Amen!!!