Confessions for 2017 – The year of fulfillment
Confessions for 2017 – The year of fulfillment

That which you have waited for is coming to fruition. Glory to God in the highest.
Heavenly Father, I thank you and bless your name for giving 2017 as a gift. Thank you for going ahead of me to make all things new and beautiful. I rejoice at the fact that my 2017 is safe and secure in your hands for I know that whatever is placed in your hands will only experience your divine touch.
Lord I declare that I am a partaker of every good thing you have laid out for me in 2017, I declare that 2017 is prophecy fulfilled in my life and by the Help of the Holy Spirit I am walking in obedience to the instructions from above to guide me to my desired haven.
My life is in sync with the writings of God upon the tablets of my heart. My thoughts and actions are programmed to submit to the whole counsel of God concerning my life. I am indeed like a fruitful vine planted by the lord and I bear my fruit in its season, my seasons will not pass me by. I am alert in my spirit to know when a season has come upon me and when a season has ended especially with respect to relationships and dealings around me.
In this year 2017, the grace of God is evident over my life and every sphere of my influence. The lord is causing me to walk upon my high places and through his spirit at work in me I am identifying my unique giftings and callings and I am putting it to work!
In Jesus name 2017 is indeed my year of fulfilment. In the volume of books, it is written concerning me to do His will. I come into those things that have already been spoken concerning me by the mouth of the lord through the leading of His spirit. I am sensitive to those he put around me, the connections he brings to me, and the opportunities open to me. Identifying my God-given terrain in the spirit and positioning myself accurately.
In Jesus name this year 2017, I am alert in my spirit, my spirit man is trained to hear the leading voice of the Holyspirit. I do not struggle; I do not argue I simply obey. I yield myself to God in the place of prayer. I have clarity and confidence that I constantly have access whenever I pray. I pray accurately and in accordance with God’s will and purpose for my life.
In this year 2017 which is my year of fulfilment I walk into divinely orchestrated, well-arranged encounters
Encounters that bring me closer to my destiny.
Encounters that shape my destiny
Encounters that determine the fulfilment of God’s will for my life.
Through the leading of His spirit, I avoid every ordinance that isn’t in the counsel of God for my life. I will not be found wanting where I am meant to be and I will not be held bound where I ought not to be. Your grace and mercy lead and empower me in making the right decision and necessary adjustment whenever needed.
The word of God over my life and that of BR finds REST! I am constantly in agreement with it. I awake every day of 2017 strengthened, energized and graced to do the Lords assignment for me each day. I declare boldly that I am alive at such a time as this to stand out in this generation bringing glory to his name. By my obedience and walking in God’s will for me, I find fulfilment and grace for more grace!
BR continues to grow in leaps and bounds extending the territories for Jesus and exalting His rulership and dominion among women and by extension the whole earth!
2017! The year in which the purposes of God are yea and amen in us! Our year of fulfilled promises. Amen and Amen!!