CONFESSIONS FOR 2015 – A year God has prepared for me
CONFESSIONS FOR 2015 – A year God has prepared for me

In the name of Jesus 2015 is a year God has prepared for me. it is a year in which I have been favored, not because of anything I did or did not do but because of His unfailing love and unrelenting grace!
His grace abounds towards me in full measures and I have sufficiency in ALL things hereby doing good all thru the year.
I am a woman created by God and brought forth in due season to fulfil my God-given assignment in the annals of human history, I come in the volume of books, it is written of me to do His will. my generation is blessed because I am here and as I welcome the year 2015 it is loaded with opportunities for God to show forth His goodness and glory in and thru me.
I am a woman of both character and charisma, I come into maturity in this year 2015 putting aside every carnal nature or behavior embracing the total work of the Holy Spirit in me. I choose in this year to do it God’s way, to be constantly led by His Spirit because I have been overshadowed by Him and my confessions agree with the thoughts of God concerning me.
In Jesus name, I conceive in my womb the seed of God and because it is born of God it overcomes the world. I am a woman of faith not tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine or lying and seducing spirit. I am one given over to the dealings of God and not the pressures and demands around me. My spirit man is energized, reinforced and strengthened, I generate power in my inner man and as a result, I constantly radiate the glory of God and am in alignment with His will. My household is blessed, my children and husband rise to call me blessed every day in this year 2015!
In Jesus name my Spirit man is alert and sound, hearing the voice of rebuke, correction and instruction moving and leading me in the direction of purpose. I live a fruitful, fulfilled and balanced life because Jesus is alive and lives in me. His life flows through my entire body giving me soundness of health, mind and soul. challenges and shortcomings do not determine my outcome in life rather they are tools in God’s hands bringing to pass God’s promises over my life which are yea and amen!
Lord, I receive enablement to do the things I may not qualify for, for you can qualify the unqualified. let your grace and favor speak better things on my behalf in every situation. may the blood of Jesus through faith give me a better report! may my life bring glory, praise and honor all thru the year 2015.
My relationships are full of love, joy and peace. the word of God is our foundation and we declare like Mary; ‘be it unto us according to your word’. In BABES REDEFINED your word refines us, your word gives us hope, sustaining us thru life’s curves. we choose over and over to honor your word above our circumstances, our feelings, our experience and our daily interactions. and because we have chosen to honor your word above everything else, we are therefore partakers of your divine nature condemning the world and exalting the ruler-ship of Christ.
Thank you, father, for our marriages receive divine visitation and fresh grace. our husbands are men of strength and stature, they are lovers of God and do your will all the days of their lives. our children are blessed because our union is blessed. they bear on their bodies the mark of Jesus and they have in them an excellent spirit! they love and know God from their young age and are giving over to serving the Lord!
In this year 2015, I walk in the fullness of that which God has planned for me, I am a partaker of His divine nature so therefore I live as a son. I do not experience condemnation because the life I live in Christ Jesus has made me free! am free to love, to hope, to have faith, to bask in my father’s glory, to live in prosperity and good health. I declare that I have been made FREE! and I stay free enjoying ALL that has been freely made available to me.
My 2015 is secured because God holds my future, and I know that the future is good because he has my life planned out and his thoughts towards me are that of good and not evil. I stay connected through this year to the one who is my resource and supplier!
it is my year of Unusual favor and spiritual maturity! I experience God in a BIG way in 2015!!! Glory to God!
2015 here I come!