The Year Of Ambassadors- 2024 Confession
The Year Of Ambassadors- 2024 Confession

The year of Ambassadors.
Father, I thank you for 2024. According to the volume of Books, as it is written to me, I have come to do your will. Thank you for loading every day of 2024 with benefits and unending possibilities in Christ. I step into 2024 with the assurance of faith that my life is sorted and settled in you. In you, I live, move and have my being throughout 2024.
I arise as the sent one, an ambassador and representative of the kingdom. I am constantly aware of God-given rights and authority. I have been commissioned as a representative of the goodness, faithfulness, graciousness and goodwill of my king and Father. I have been authorized to declare His kingdom come and His will is executed and enforced within my sphere of influence.
I stand in the victor Christ already won for me through the cross, I stand in strength, might and power. I acknowledge and activate the presence of the whole armour of God. I am dressed battle-ready, armed with my waist girded with truth, my breastplate with the righteousness of God, and my feet prepared to deliver the gospel of peace, I carry boldly my shield of faith and wear gallantly my helmet of Salvation. I am a proud soldier for Christ, I do not break ranks, I stand in formation submitting to the rulership and leadership of the one who enlisted me.
In 2024, I know who I am and whose I am. I am the anointed one of, God set apart for His glory. I am equipped and empowered to deliver answers and solutions to my world. I operate with the wisdom of God and the Holy Spirit works in me creative abilities and ideas that eyes have not seen, ears have not heard or conceived by men. Out of my belly flows rivers of living water, bursting forth on all sides and springing unto everlasting life!
God is at work in me both to will and to do for His good pleasure, i am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places bringing others to the knowledge of the riches in Christ Jesus. I give thanks to God who always leads me in triumph in Christ, and through me diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
I engage in kingdom-impact activities and purpose-driven adventures in God. I have clarity regarding my calling as I run with it. In the year 2024, I walk in alignment only with the script of God for my life. I am secure in His love and provision. I submit myself daily to the leading, guidance and covering of the Holy Spirit. Through Him, I leap over walls and run through troops. I am kingdom-focused and HolyGhost energized! Nothing stopping me, I advance in victory.
2024, God will boast about me because of the awesome things in righteousness, He will work in and through me. I commit to learning, growth and productivity. I commit to the advancement of God’s agenda on earth. I promote Christ-centred exploits, barrier-breaking activities and kingdom-establishing opportunities. I am light and I light up everywhere I go. Darkness cannot comprehend the magnitude of the capabilities of the Zoe life in me! I am a responsible son over my father’s estate taking territories and establishing His dominion, representing His interest and making disciples of His kingdom.
2024 is my ambassadorial year!
I (put your name) arise as one born in due season to fulfil the work God has sent me- an enforcer and executor of the Father’s will. His kingdom has come in my life, His will is done! So help me God. Amen.
I Peace will arise as one born in due season to fulfil the work God has sent me