Confession 2013 – THE YEAR OF THE SPIRIT!
Confession 2013 – THE YEAR OF THE SPIRIT!

In the name of Jesus, 2013 is the year The Lord has made there shall be rejoicing and gladdens of heart Now thru to December… 1 welcome it with open arms because The Lord has gone ahead of me and he has perfected it. Everything concerning this year by faith is working out together for my good! I live it with a clear vision, virtue that is right and victory that is certain…! My ears are interacting with that which ears have not heard by His spirit I hear the inaudible, my eyes are interacting with those things about this year which eyes have not seen, I see the invincible I have insight and this gives me an edge… My heart is thinking on a matter, it is conceiving that which has not entered into the heart of anyone…divinely directed concepts are at my disposal! All of these are coming to bear in my life because I align myself with the will, thoughts and mind of God concerning 2013 through His Spirit!
Because it is the year of the spirit for us in BR and because I am a partaker of the grace made available to this commission, I declare 2013 as my year of the spirit… The Holyspirit takes precedence in my life, my actions, my thoughts, my decisions, my interactions, my communications, and my sphere of influence all through the year…I believe that I have been sealed with the Holyspirit for the day of redemption, therefore I submit myself under the lordship of Jesus through His Spirit. because I am filled with the Holyspirit I am led by him always. Whenever I am faced with a situation in the year 2013, I do not worry about how or what I should answer, or what I should say or do. For the Holy Spirit will teach me in that very hour what I ought to say or do. Because I am being filled with His spirit, I speak Holyspirit energized words… And each time we speak our hearers will experience a touch of the Holyspirit!
Our counsel on BR is Holyspirit energized! As the counsel is being given healing of all kinds is taking place, homes are restored, lives are changed grace is released! I declare that I am an ambassador being sent out by the Holy Spirit, ministering everywhere I go in words and deeds.
I am a partaker of the kingdom of God and so I enjoy righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. I declare that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in me, I walk in perfect health and enjoy the grace made available in healing… I live every day for Him knowing that I am not my own. In all things, I commend myself and BR as ministers of God: in much patience, by purity, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by sincere love, by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and the left.
In BR we hold fast the pattern of sound words which We hear through the inspiration of the Holyspirit in faith and love. Babes Redefined is a good thing which was committed to us and we will keep it by the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.
I receive strength as I live through 2013 building myself up on my most holy faith, praying, meditating and confessing as the Holy Spirit leads.
Because all authority and power have been given to Jesus I, therefore, make myself a disciple, learning and walking in the provisions of the father, the finished works of Christ and the present ministry of the HolySpirit. Because I believe in Christ out of my heart is flowing rivers of living water, so therefore I am never in lack, spiritually, economically and socially. my Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father has given me is teaching me all the things I need to know and he is bringing to my remembrance all things Jesus said to me. He is the Spirit of truth and He is guiding me into all truth; He hears the fathers mind for me and so He tells me things to come. Through me Jesus will be glorified, the HolySpirit will take of what is Jesus and declare it to me. Through BR Jesus will be glorified!
In the name of Jesus because I am filled with the Holy Spirit I speak with other tongues, I speak in tongues of healing, tongues of spiritual growth, tongues of prosperity, tongues of grace and favor as the Spirit gives me utterance. and I declare the word of God with boldness and accuracy! Because I am filled with His spirit I am a witness to the divine revelation of God concerning Babes redefined and so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to us because we obey Him, I see the glory of God, and Jesus sitting at the right hand of God, the position of victory and I see myself seated with Him positioned for greatness.
I declare that God has anointed Me and BR with the Holy Spirit and with power, so therefore I (we) go about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God is with Me (us)! Halleluiah! The HolySpirit has free course in our midst and we hear him expressly…we can identify him because he’s alive in us! We have been separated unto him for the work to which He has called us! In Jesus name I forbid what the HolySpirit forbids. No matter how good it may look to the eye or the heart. I choose to stay with the word. It is the final authority over my life. In Jesus name the HolySpirit testifies of me, at home, work, church and play.
2013 I speak wisdom, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. I refuse to be stagnant in my walk with Christ… I press on to attain unto maturity.
In BR our message will not come in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and much assurance. In the demonstration of the power of the HolySpirit. It will not be by the will of man, but holy babes of God will speak as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. for that which is conceived in BR is of the Holy Spirit. For we have been born of God and we are world, challenge, and situation overcomers.
By the help of the HolySpirit, I know how to pray because he prays for and with me… He knows the mind of God because he is the spirit of God! So therefore, I cannot walk in darkness because the light of the glory of God is shone in my heart! I am forever in the spirit because he resides in the inside of me.
In Jesus name, I have received power when the Holy Spirit came into me, and I am a living witness of this reality all the days of my life to the end of the earth!
God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will both in my life and BR!
The lines have fallen unto me in pleasant places in 2013 because of my goodly heritage and of His fullness I have received grace for grace, my path is subject to the path of the just, it keeps shinning better unto the perfect day. So therefore, I move from grace to grace, glory to glory and faith to faith… I experience supernatural help from God always because I am the beloved of The Lord…
In Jesus name The Lord has declared concerning me that this 2013 is as a result of the presence of the Holy Spirit in me and the power of the Highest overshadowing me. Therefore, this 2013 that has come is called the year of the spirit. The year in which I experience his fullness!
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with me! Amen and amen!