Overflow 2022 with Obiageli Aladejebi

Obiageli Aladejebi is a past serving governing Council and Advisory Board member of babes redefined.
She’s a real lady in the tech space as she co-founded a retail product known as Store Harmony a technology solution that empowers over 1000 retail Merchants across Nigeria with tools for retail that enhances their General productivity and Effectiveness.
She’s also the founder of retail Giants, a social impact organization that empowers young people between the ages of 18 to 35 with employment opportunities in various organizations within the retail space we also are beneficial of our craft as she single-handedly managed the design and deployment of the babes redefined website that was launched in 2019.
In addition to her core competence in the tech and social space it’s not easy to see a lady in circle we pride ladies in Tech.
Obi aladejebi is the host of kindled moments a YouTube channel aimed at encouraging Believers in their work of faith and she is passionate about God and enforcing his will here on Earth.
She also serves as an associate pastor alongside her husband at the baptizing Church in lekki Lagos and they are both blessed with two of God’s finest generals.
Will you please stand as we make welcome our very own babes GC
I woke up this morning with this song and when I woke up I was like I wasn’t thinking about the song, but it came into my spirit and the Holy Spirit said I should sing it here today it means it is over.
I don’t know how many of you came here this morning just thinking you are coming for a casual meeting, this is no ordinary meeting.
The Lord has been speaking to me about this meeting for three weeks.
did you hear me?
you can receive it in your spirit
it is what’s over whatever situation that has plagued you before now the Lord says I should tell you it is over.
expand your capacity to receive.
expand your spirits and your capacity to receive
let me tell you something [Music]
expectations begets results expectation.
If there’s no expectation there are no results do you understand me?
So if you came here this morning with no expectation that’s precisely what you’re going to
get no results
The Bible says in Proverbs that your expectation that will not be cut short. did you hear me?
it is what your expectation that will not be cut short
I came with a full truck load of expectations
I personally because this meeting is a defining one [Music]
it is not my expectation mine will come to pass in the name of Jesus but it is your own expectation that will not be cut short, you cannot own my expectation, you cannot create my desire it is your own desire that you must create here right now.
white if that’s the reason why you have come here today that’s about it for this
So what expectation have you come here with because it is that expectation that will determine how you will leave here.
[Music] if you can pray in the Holy Ghost
let your voice be heard right
the Lord is here the Lord is here the Lord is here
further enlarge our capacity to receive
this is over it is over it is over it is over it is over it is over in the name of Jesus
If you come here with bad expectations in your hearts, I bind it in the name of Jesus because Gods plan for you is that of good and not of evil to give your Hope on the future that will
bring you to unexpected end.
I hope no one is quiet, speak words to God right now.
For three weeks the Lord has been speaking to me about this meeting and there are sets of people that he wants to particularly reach today.
please open your Bibles with me to John chapter 5.
[Music] father our hearts are open
[Music] there was something babes Trisha said while she stood here she said that at this point
nothing is impossible at this particular Kairos time in God nothing is impossible
the angel appeared to mary and he said to her nothing shall stay impossible.
are you that one that believes?
are you that one that believes that everything is turning around for me?
are you that one that knows that the same person that walks into that door is not the same that is going back the same way?
Mercy is that thing that breaks laws and overrules judgment on your behalf.
it’s that thing that can give you a future that you don’t even deserve, that you feel like I don’t deserve this thing but there’s something called the mercy of God today this is our betsida
this is our place of Mercy
if that is you just say I am a recipient of the mercy of God
I want you to say it like you believe it that I am a recipient of the mercy of
The Bible says goodness and mercy follows you all the days not some of the days not sometimes.
I speak to your life today you experience the mercy of God in abundance.
because God always does more than what we can think or imagine
he says I’m coming here with healings in my wings
please don’t joke with this
With healing in my wings
whatever it is they’ve told you
there is a word that cannot be associated with God and that is the word impossible.