Cast All Your Cares On Him

This has been on my mind since yesterday, so I’m just going to drop it here. I hope it blesses someone😊.
A lot of us are overwhelmed with recent conversations, family/work/business troubles, sin, health issues/some diagnosis by the doctor, financial crisis and many more.
So many things are happening at the same time and it’s hard to get out of your head and see past yourself. Hmm! The past won’t let you move forward and the future isn’t all that enticing either.
See, some of us carry many small burdens and some of us carry much larger burdens that have simply become too much to bear. The collective weight of these burdens is beginning to be too much for us to carry.
Some of these burdens are completely outside of your control. You may not even know how much the burden was weighing you down until you suddenly realized that its weight had become unbearable.
I’m here to remind you that God doesn’t want us to carry our burdens. He asks us to lay them down at the foot of the cross. He wants us to surrender our heavy loads to him.
It takes an act/freewill to give up our burdens. The act of laying down your burden may be just the beginning for you and a pathway to finding complete peace. Or it may be that a simple act of faith and surrender is all that you need to activate your inner peace.
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you”-1 Peter 5:7 (NIV).
From now on, just throw it on him, and let him carry your burdens.
Have a great week!
Written By Adeola Dixon